Source code for pip_tkinter.utils

from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import threading
import multiprocessing
import http.client
import asyncio
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import select
import codecs
import json

from pip_tkinter.config import get_build_platform
from import highest_version
from pip import parseopts
from io import StringIO
from io import TextIOWrapper

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk

search_hits = {}

[docs]class MultiItemsList(object): """ Class for creating Treeview to show list of packages : provides options for selecting items and specifying number of headers for the treeview """ def __init__(self, parent, headers_list=None): """ Initialize variables needed for creating Treeview """ #:self.scroll_tree: tkinter treeview variable self.scroll_tree = None #:parent: parent frame for treeview self.parent = parent #:headers_list: list of headers or fields in treeview self.headers_list = headers_list #:self.items_list: list of items for treeview self.items_list = None self.create_treeview() self.create_headers()
[docs] def create_treeview(self): """ Create a multi items list consisting of a frame, horizontal and vertical scroll bar and Treeview """ #:self.myframe: a tkinter frame for encapsulating treeview #contents with parent frame as self.parent self.myframe = ttk.Frame(self.parent) self.myframe.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='nswe') self.scroll_tree = ttk.Treeview( self.myframe, columns=self.headers_list, show='headings', selectmode='browse') #:vrtl_scrbar: vertical scrollbar for treeview vrtl_scrbar = ttk.Scrollbar( self.myframe, orient="vertical", command=self.scroll_tree.yview) #:hrtl_scrbar: horizontal scrollbar for treeview hrtl_scrbar = ttk.Scrollbar( self.myframe, orient="horizontal", command=self.scroll_tree.xview) self.scroll_tree.configure( yscrollcommand=vrtl_scrbar.set, xscrollcommand=hrtl_scrbar.set) self.scroll_tree.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='nswe', in_=self.myframe) vrtl_scrbar.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='ns', in_=self.myframe) hrtl_scrbar.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='ew', in_=self.myframe) self.myframe.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.myframe.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
[docs] def create_headers(self): """ Specifies headers and width of header columns for the treeview """ for header in self.headers_list: self.scroll_tree.heading(header, text=header) self.scroll_tree.column(header, width=30)
[docs] def populate_rows(self, items_list=None): """ Populate treeview with list of items :param items_list: list of items by which treeview is populated """ self.scroll_tree.delete(*self.scroll_tree.get_children()) self.items_list = items_list for item in self.items_list: self.scroll_tree.insert('', 'end', values=item)
[docs]class Redirect: """Context manager for temporarily redirecting stdout/err. Simplified and generalize from contextlib.redirect_stdout. (DEPRECATED) """ def __init__(self, stdfile, new_target): self._stdfile = stdfile # 'stdout' or 'stderr' self._new_target = new_target def __enter__(self): self._old = getattr(sys, self._stdfile) setattr(sys, self._stdfile, self._new_target) return self._new_target def __exit__(self, exctype, excinst, exctb): setattr(sys, self._stdfile, self._old)
# For GUI version, redirects would be here, done once. # Put in runpip for prototype testing in text mode, so can print.
[docs]def runpip(argstring): """ Run pip with argument string containing command and options.(DEPRECATED and replaced with runpip_using_subprocess method) :param argstring: is quoted version of what would follow 'pip' on command \ line. """ sysout = StringIO() syserr = StringIO() import pip with Redirect('stdout', sysout) as f1, Redirect('stderr', syserr) as f2: #Clear all loggers pip.logger.consumers = [] status = pip.main(argstring.split()) out = sysout.getvalue() err = syserr.getvalue(); sysout.truncate(0); syserr.truncate(0) return status, out, err
[docs]def runpip_using_subprocess(argstring): """ Run pip with argument string containing command and options. Uses subprocess module for executing pip commands. Returns output and error once execution of process terminates :param argstring: is quoted version of what would follow 'pip' on command \ line. """ #Explicitly specify encoding of environment for subprocess in order to #avoid errors my_env = os.environ my_env['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = 'utf-8' pip_process = subprocess.Popen( argstring.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env = my_env, ) #Get stdout and stderr from shell pip_output, pip_error = pip_process.communicate() #Decode stdout and stderr strings to utf-8 return (pip_output.decode('utf-8'), pip_error.decode('utf-8'))
[docs]class RunpipSubprocess(): """ Run pip with argument string containing command and options. Uses subprocess module for executing pip commands. Logs real time output in output queue. In output queue a tuple object is sent consisting of two elements: - Output code : For identification of purpose of message Code Purpose 0 Start marker for logging output to tkinter text widget 1 Output message 2 Error message 3 End marker for logging output to tkinter text widget - Message : a string variable containing the string collected from stdout and stderr streams """ def __init__(self, argstring, output_queue): """ Initialize subprocess for running pip commands. :param output_queue: queue for buffering line by line output :param argstring: is quoted version of what would follow 'pip' on command line. """ self.pip_process = subprocess.Popen( argstring.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.output_queue = output_queue
[docs] def start_logging_threads(self): """ Starts logging to output and error queue """ # If system platform is not Windows if get_build_platform()!='Windows': fileio_streams = [ self.pip_process.stdout.fileno(), self.pip_process.stderr.fileno(),] #Do I/O multiplexing io_iterator =, [], []) self.output_queue.put((0, 'process_started')) while True: #iterate over available file descriptors in io_iterator for file_descrp in io_iterator[0]: #if something is there in stdout stream if file_descrp == self.pip_process.stdout.fileno(): pipout = self.pip_process.stdout.readline() self.output_queue.put((1,pipout)) #else check in stderr stream elif file_descrp == self.pip_process.stderr.fileno(): piperr = self.pip_process.stderr.readline() self.output_queue.put((2,piperr)) #Check if process has ended, if process is not completed #then self.pip_process.poll() returns None if self.pip_process.poll() != None: self.output_queue.put((3,self.pip_process.poll())) break #Else if platform is Windows else: #Create two child threads for this alternate process #output thread manages stdout output_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.getoutput) #error thread manages stderr error_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.geterror) #send 'process started' indication with message code : 0 self.output_queue.put((0, 'process_started')) #starts both threads output_thread.start() error_thread.start() #Wait for both threads to complete their execution output_thread.join() error_thread.join() #If both threads are completed, then this alternate process should #end. If execution completed, then if self.pip_process.poll() != None: #Send ending message with process code and message code as 3 self.output_queue.put((3,self.pip_process.poll()))
[docs] def getoutput(self): """ Iterate over output line by line """ for line in iter(self.pip_process.stdout.readline, b''): self.output_queue.put((1,line)) self.pip_process.stdout.close() self.pip_process.wait()
[docs] def geterror(self): """ Iterate over error line by line """ for line in iter(self.pip_process.stderr.readline, b''): self.output_queue.put((2,line)) self.pip_process.stderr.close() self.pip_process.wait()
[docs]def pip_search_command(package_name=None, thread_queue=None): """ Uses subprocess to retrieve results of 'pip search' """ import re #Get search results and errors if there search_result, errors = runpip_using_subprocess( 'pip3 search {}'.format(package_name)) #If errors, then put error string into queue if errors.strip() != '': thread_queue.put(errors) count = 0 installed_packages = [] ###################################################################### #Parsing shell output ###################################################################### #Sample Output in Windows: # #django-editos (1.5) - Django app to manage and display editos #django-github-webhook (0.1.1) - Django view for GitHub webhook recievers #pyserial (3.1.1) - Python Serial Port Extension #INSTALLED: 2.7 #LATEST: 3.1.1 #Sample Output in Linux/Unix: # #django-editos (1.5) - Django app to manage and display editos #django-github-webhook (0.1.1) - Django view for GitHub webhook recievers #pyserial (3.1.1) - Python Serial Port Extension #INSTALLED: 2.7 (LATEST: 3.1.1) for x in search_result.split("\n"): try: #If first line of package decription if ('INSTALLED:' not in x) and ( ('(' in x) and (')' in x) and ( not x.startswith('-'))): open_bracket_index = x.index('(') close_bracket_index = x.index(')') pkg_name = x[:open_bracket_index-1].strip() latest_version = x[open_bracket_index+1:close_bracket_index] summary = re.split(r'\)\s+- ',x)[1].strip() installed_packages.append( [pkg_name,'Not installed',latest_version,summary]) #Else if package is outdated, also show the outdated version elif 'INSTALLED:' in x: #If OS is not Windows (Refer to sample output for Linux/Unix) if get_build_platform()!='Windows': st_index = x.index(':') end_index = x.index('(') installed_packages[-1][1] = x[st_index+1:end_index].strip() #Else if OS is windows ( Refer to Sample Output above) else: st_index = x.index(':') installed_packages[-1][1] = x[st_index+1:].strip() #If LINUX/UNIX append package descriptions in subsequent lines elif get_build_platform()!='Windows': installed_packages[-1][3] = '{} {}'.format( installed_packages[-1][3],x.strip()) except: pass ######################################################################## ######################################################################## thread_queue.put([tuple(x) for x in installed_packages])
[docs]def pip_list_command(): """ Lists all installed packages """ list_output, error = runpip_using_subprocess('pip3 list') installed_pkg_list = list_output.splitlines() for i in range(len(installed_pkg_list)): pkg_name, pkg_version = installed_pkg_list[i].split('(') pkg_version = pkg_version[:len(pkg_version)-1] latest_version = ' ' installed_pkg_list[i] = (pkg_name, pkg_version) return installed_pkg_list
[docs]def pip_list_outdated_command(): """ Lists all outdated installed packages """ list_output, error = runpip_using_subprocess('pip3 list --outdated') installed_pkg_list = list_output.splitlines() formatted_list = [] for i in range(len(installed_pkg_list)): try: open_bracket_index = installed_pkg_list[i].index('(') close_bracket_index = installed_pkg_list[i].index(')') pkg_name = installed_pkg_list[i][:open_bracket_index-1] pkg_version = installed_pkg_list[i][ open_bracket_index+1:close_bracket_index] latest_version = installed_pkg_list[i].split( ' - Latest: ')[1].split(' [')[0] formatted_list.append((pkg_name, pkg_version, latest_version)) except IndexError: pass except ValueError: pass return formatted_list
[docs]def pip_show_command(package_args): """ Show details of a installed package """ return runpip('show --no-cache-dir {}'.format(package_args))
[docs]def pip_install_from_PyPI(package_args=None, install_queue=None): """ Wrapper for installing pip package from PyPI """ if get_build_platform()=='Windows': permission_prefix = '' elif get_build_platform()=='Linux': permission_prefix = 'gksudo -- ' elif get_build_platform()=='Darwin': permission_prefix = '' package_args = '{}pip3 install -U --no-cache-dir {}'.format(permission_prefix, package_args) install_process = RunpipSubprocess(package_args, install_queue) install_process.start_logging_threads()
[docs]def pip_install_from_pythonlibs(package_url, install_queue=None): """ Install from pythonlibs packages in two steps : 1. Download file 2. Use pip install to install file """ #Step 1 : Download the file flag = downloadfile(package_url, install_queue) from pip_tkinter.config import RESOURCE_DIR #Step 2 : Install the downloaded .whl file if flag: print (os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, os.path.basename(package_url)))) package_args = 'pip3 install {}'.format( os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, os.path.basename(package_url)))) install_process = RunpipSubprocess(package_args, install_queue) install_process.start_logging_threads()
[docs]def pip_install_from_local_archive(package_args, install_queue=None): """ Wrapper for installing pip package from local Archive """ if get_build_platform()=='Windows': permission_prefix = '' elif get_build_platform()=='Linux': permission_prefix = 'gksudo -- ' elif get_build_platform()=='Darwin': permission_prefix = '' package_args = '{}pip3 install {}'.format(permission_prefix, package_args) install_process = RunpipSubprocess(package_args, install_queue) install_process.start_logging_threads()
[docs]def pip_install_from_requirements(package_args, install_queue=None): """ Wrapper for installing pip package from requirements file """ if get_build_platform()=='Windows': permission_prefix = '' elif get_build_platform()=='Linux': permission_prefix = 'gksudo -- ' elif get_build_platform()=='Darwin': permission_prefix = '' package_args = '{}pip3 install -r {}'.format(permission_prefix, package_args) install_process = RunpipSubprocess(package_args, install_queue) install_process.start_logging_threads()
[docs]def pip_install_from_alternate_repo(package_args): """ Wrapper for installing pip package from Pythonlibs """ return (runpip('install --index-url{}'.format(package_args)))
[docs]def pip_uninstall(package_args, uninstall_queue=None): """ Uninstall packages """ if get_build_platform()=='Windows': permission_prefix = '' elif get_build_platform()=='Linux': permission_prefix = 'gksudo -- ' elif get_build_platform()=='Darwin': permission_prefix = '' package_args = '{}pip3 uninstall --yes {}'.format(permission_prefix, package_args) uninstall_process = RunpipSubprocess(package_args, uninstall_queue) uninstall_process.start_logging_threads()
[docs]def pip_freeze_command(): """ Generate requirements """ list_output, error = runpip_using_subprocess('pip3 freeze') package_list = [] for x in list_output.split("\n"): temp = x.split("===") if len(temp) == 1: temp = x.split("==") if len(temp) != 1: package_list.append(temp) else: package_list.append(temp) return (package_list)
[docs]def pythonlibs_search_command(package_name=None, thread_queue=None): """ Search for packages in Pythonlibs packages record Convention for results tuple : Each element of tuple consists of following elements in order: 1. package name 2. version 3. summary 4. home page 5. last updated 6. This element consists of distribution specific information. For more details continue below : For each package in json format there are different possible distributions depending on compatibility tags like : py2, py3, cp27, cp34 and system architecture. Therefore sixth element is list of available distributions with following elements in order : a) compatibility_tag b) package_size c) architecture For example : ``` "ViTables": [ { "last_updated": "Dec 25, 2014", "compatibility_tag": "py2-none", "summary": "ViTables , a GUI for browsing and editing files in PyTables and HDF5 formats.", "package_size": "329 KB", "home_page": "", "version": "2.1", "url": "", "architecture": "any" }, { "last_updated": "Dec 25, 2014", "compatibility_tag": "py3-none", "summary": "ViTables , a GUI for browsing and editing files in PyTables and HDF5 formats.", "package_size": "328 KB", "home_page": "", "version": "2.1", "url": "", "architecture": "any" } ] ``` """ from pip_tkinter.config import find_bit_of_python platform_bit = find_bit_of_python() #Get the path to the resource file for pythonlibs.json resource_path = os.path.join(create_resource_directory(), 'pythonlibs.json') #Loads the json file with open(resource_path) as pythonlibs_file: pythonlibs_data = json.load(pythonlibs_file) package_list = list(pythonlibs_data.keys()) #Find the similar packages similar_package_list = [] for module in package_list: #FIX IT: Currently searches for substring, use better search metric if package_name in module: #Check if there are compatible distributions available #If available add to search results else drop it compatible_dists = [] for dists in pythonlibs_data[module]: #Check if compatibility_tag contains cp34 or cp35 or py3 #Filter out dists with tag with only cp27 or py2 if '3' in dists['compatibility_tag']: #If 'any' , then is compatible with any system if 'any' in dists['architecture']: compatible_dists.append(( dists['compatibility_tag'], dists['package_size'], dists['architecture'], dists['url'],)) else: if platform_bit == '64bit': if '64' in dists['architecture']: compatible_dists.append(( dists['compatibility_tag'], dists['package_size'], dists['architecture'], dists['url'],)) elif platform_bit == '32bit': if '32' in dists['architecture']: compatible_dists.append(( dists['compatibility_tag'], dists['package_size'], dists['architecture'], dists['url'],)) if len(compatible_dists)!=0: #Get the data of the first distribution of 'module' first_dist = pythonlibs_data[module][0] temp = [ module, first_dist['version'], first_dist['summary'], first_dist['home_page'], first_dist['last_updated'],] temp.extend(compatible_dists) similar_package_list.append(temp) thread_queue.put(tuple(similar_package_list))
[docs]def verify_pypi_url(): """ Check if URL can be accessed """ import requests request = requests.get('') if request.status_code == 200: return True else: return False
[docs]def create_resource_directory(): """ Create resource directory if not there """ from pip_tkinter.config import RESOURCE_DIR resource_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), RESOURCE_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(resource_dir): os.makedirs(resource_dir) return resource_dir
[docs]def downloadfile(url, update_queue): """ A utility function to download file in small chunks and also to return download percentage Code Purpose 0 Start marker for logging output 1 Output message 2 End marker for logging output 3 Error message """ import math from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError targetfile = os.path.basename(url) resource_dir = create_resource_directory() try: update_queue.put((0,'Started downloading ...')) file_path = os.path.join(resource_dir, targetfile) req = Request( url=url, headers={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0'}) req = urlopen(req) total_size = int(['Content-Length'].strip()) downloaded = 0 chunk_size = 256 * 10240 with open(file_path, 'wb') as fp: while True: chunk = downloaded += len(chunk) update_queue.put((1,math.floor((downloaded/total_size)*100))) if not chunk: break fp.write(chunk) update_queue.put((2,'Completed downloading')) except HTTPError as e: update_queue.put((3,"HTTP Error: {} {}".format(e.code, url))) return False except URLError as e: update_queue.put((3,"URL Error: {} {}".format(e.reason, url))) return False return True